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The man who in 2013 encouraged people to purchase $1 worth of Bitcoin is now leading an amazing life

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    A bloke who urged people to get involved with Bitcoin back in 2013 now lives an incredible life.

    Davinci Jeremie, from Chile, told people to get involved by investing as little as $1 (78p) in Bitcoin 10 years ago - and it’s fair to say most people didn’t listen.

    Sharing his advice on YouTube back in May 2013, he said: "Look, for the price of [a] lotto ticket you can hold Bitcoin (BTC) for 10 years and become a millionaire. It's time you stop living in fear. If it goes to zero you lose $1, who cares!!!

    "But if I'm right I want all of you to thank me, it will not make me happy if you come back to me in 10 years saying 'dude, I wish I listened to you back 2011 or 2013.'"

    He added an explanation in his video, posting: "Just so you know, Bitcoin is a digital crypto and global money system currency. I talk about technical analysis of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and crypto and how I make money trading BTC.

    Davinci Jeremie urged people to invest in Bitcoin a decade ago. Credit: Instagram/@davincij15
    Davinci Jeremie urged people to invest in Bitcoin a decade ago. Credit: Instagram/@davincij15

    "Bitcoin allows people to send or receive money across the internet, without a third party."

    When he made the video, the price of one Bitcoin was £92.50 ($116.75), which may sound a bit steep for anyone hoping to get their hands on one, but it was nothing compared to the cryptocurrency’s 2021 peak when a single Bitcoin was worth a whopping £48,321($61,000).

    The number has dropped a bit since then but you’re still looking at £29,191($36,799) for one single Bitcoin. Not too shabby, eh?

    Speaking in June this year to Coin Telegraph, Jeremie admitted that his pleas to get people to invest in Bitcoin had gone unheard.

    "Once in a while, something comes along that makes poor people rich because they got it really, really cheap,” he said.

    Jeremie is now living his best life thanks to the money he made. Credit: Instagram/@davincij15
    Jeremie is now living his best life thanks to the money he made. Credit: Instagram/@davincij15

    "This was one of them. I thought I was gonna be the hero to my community, but no, they thought I was crazy.

    "They actually thought I was losing my mind."

    In a recent post shared to X, formerly known as Twitter, Jeremie wrote: “The most common saying of the 21st century will be: ‘I should have bought some Bitcoin when it was cheaper.’”

    And as an early adopter of the cryptocurrency, Jeremie is laughing all the way to the bank.

    His Instagram page shows him jetting off to places like Monte Carlo and Dubai, which are famously welcoming to the super-wealthy.

    He recently shared a slew of photos of himself and his partner enjoying the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi.


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    Author: Joseph Guerrero

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    Author information

    Name: Joseph Guerrero

    Birthday: 1909-07-23

    Address: 9182 Bryant Ford, New Kathy, KY 08848

    Phone: +4078445547060171

    Job: Veterinarian

    Hobby: Metalworking, Surfing, Chocolate Making, Running, Fencing, Chess, Fishing

    Introduction: My name is Joseph Guerrero, I am a strong-willed, variegated, esteemed, rare, frank, important, Colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.