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NBA General Conference performances by Hi-Speed

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The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Annual General Conference played host to Hi-Speed at the opening of the Association’s conference Friendship Center. Hi-Speed would be the second Kogi-born Artiste, after Ruger to have performed in such an NBA event.

This feat came after smashing the record of hosting the biggest music concert adjudged in the history of North Central Nigeria. Hi-Speed as one of the prominent music Art in Nigeria has recently featured in his Precious Gift album, Terry Akpala, Dija, Perruzi and host of his colleagues in the entertainment industry.

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Article information

Author: Corey Mcmahon

Last Updated: 1703192521

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Author information

Name: Corey Mcmahon

Birthday: 2002-10-26

Address: 84184 Tracy Creek, Walkerfurt, KS 25234

Phone: +3818520584300984

Job: Pilot

Hobby: Motorcycling, Billiards, Crochet, Gardening, Cycling, Backpacking, Rock Climbing

Introduction: My name is Corey Mcmahon, I am a radiant, apt, unreserved, brilliant, enterprising, treasured, intrepid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.