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Five fascinating details regarding the 3,000-seat venue, which was funded by Abdul Samad Rabiu, the third-richest man in Nigeria

Abdulsamad Rabiu is the founder of BUA Group, a Nigerian conglomerate active in cement production, sugar refining and real estate. According to Forbes, the Nigerian billionaire is worth $5.5B.

Abdulsamad-Rabiu, Chairman BUA Group. (Forbes)

1. The Abdul Samad Rabiu (ASR) Initiative recently commenced the groundbreaking construction of a 3,000-seater main Amphitheater building for the University of Ilorin (Unilorin), one of the leading universities in Nigeria.

2. According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), the amphitheatre project would cost over $1 million (N1 billion). ASR hired the best contractors to ensure commitment and early completion of the amphitheatre. When completed, the structure will allow many students to use the facility for general studies classes and various other courses without causing congestion.

3. The amphitheatre facility will include a 3,000-person capacity main auditorium, a wide platform with offices, and large storage facilities, among other things. The decision to build the amphitheatre at the university is in line with Abdul Samad Rabiu’s dedication to helping Africans look inward to solve their problems while implementing solutions to such concerns.

4. According to Prof. Sulyman Abdulkareem, the Vice-Chancellor of the university, the university amphitheatre will be located in a strategic location overlooking the picturesque Dam location of the institution.

“The choice of the location is to allow our immediate community to benefit from the utilisation of the amazing edifice without disturbing the institution,” he said.

5. The amphitheatre project would be completed within 11 months, according to Mr David Bello, the Principal Partner of Ayo-Bello Consultants.


VIDEO: Abdulsamad Rabiu has a net worth of over $7 billion #forbes #billionaire #richest #economy
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Author: Sarah Bowman

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Name: Sarah Bowman

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Introduction: My name is Sarah Bowman, I am a unwavering, candid, steadfast, unyielding, rare, Precious, priceless person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.